Implementing blockchain in port logistics: benefits and challenges

Implementing blockchain in port logistics: benefits and challenges In the ongoing quest to improve efficiency and security in port logistics, emerging technologies have begun to play a crucial role. One of the most promising technologies in this field is blockchain. Although initially associated with cryptocurrencies, this technology has evolved to address various challenges in different industries,…

Applying Edge and Cloud Computing in the Maritime Industry

Applying Edge and Cloud Computing in the Maritime Industry Today, the world of information technology is undergoing an unprecedented evolution, driven by two revolutionary concepts: Edge Computing and Cloud Computing. These two technologies have transformed the way companies manage, process, and store data, enabling greater efficiency, scalability, and agility in an increasingly competitive business environment. In this…

Innovation in port risk management

Innovation in port risk management Effective risk management is essential in any industry, but in the case of ports, where safety and the flow of goods are paramount, innovation in this area becomes even more relevant. Today, technological solutions are revolutionizing the way ports address risks, and new tools are being implemented to mitigate accidents…

Siport21’s offshore wind projects reference in the Spanish Naval Architecture Congress

Siport21’s offshore wind projects reference in the Spanish Naval Architecture Congress Nowadays, Spain is a benchmark in the value chain of offshore wind power installations, so confirmed by Spanish Naval Architecture Congress, held in Bilbao, where Siport21 has presented two of its projects related to this industry. Offshore wind turbine fields require the manufacture of large-scale…